Humanistic Coaching & Consultation
15 years of working with people just like you…
Humanistic coaching can create a space for you to examine what gets in the way of living your most meaningful, responsible, and healthy life - roadblocks such as unhelpful attachment to the past, unmanaged fear of the uncertain future, and a lack of confidence in your ability to identify and meet your own needs. These roadblocks to optimal living are complex and complicated, and aren't necessarily given respectful, compassionate attention in our culture at large. Ideally, humanistic coaching provides the environment in which you can take an honest, sober look at your reality and recapture your sense of power in shaping that reality.
Areas of Practice
Life Coaching
Humanistic coaching can create a space for you to examine what gets in the way of living your most meaningful, responsible, and healthy life…
Read more about my approach to coaching here.
Recovery Coaching
After 15 years working in addiction treatment, I have learned that addiction is complex, complicated, and highly personal…
Read more about my approach to Recovery here.
Whether you run an addiction clinic or your own coaching practice, I can provide thoughtful and engaging consultation to help you improve your own experience and that of the clients you serve.
“Change happens at the speed of trust.”
– Stephen Covey